Industry expert: Brewery tour master Ryan Mackey picks his favourite beer-related haunts in Vancouver
by Amanda Siebert
The following interview was featured in the Georgia Straight’s Best of Vancouver 2016 edition on September 22nd, 2016. To read the entire article, check out the Georgia Straight article here:
With no end in sight to Vancouver’s obsession with craft beer, Ryan Mackey is glad he hopped on the wagon early. Growing up brewing in his basement with his dad, Mackey developed an insatiable passion for craft beer at a young (but legal) age. Now the owner of a company that shares the best of the city’s local breweries with thousands of thirsty clients on an annual basis, Mackey’s love for beer is unwavering.
Opening Vancouver Brewery Tours in June 2013, his venture into the world of craft beer began out of admiration for local breweries and the people who work in them. Organizing three-hour tours of some of the city’s most brewery-dense neighbourhoods, Mackey has led locals and out-of-towners alike through tasting adventures, introducing them to styles and brews that are inherently West Coast.
With a fleet of three vans and a staff of seven guides, his company offers multi-brewery visits seven days of the week and often hosts special events that are specific to styles, for those who might want to delve deeper into sours or IPAs. (This year, the company even hosted a Big Lebowski–themed bowling tour. There were no White Russians, but we’re sure the Dude would have approved.)
With his next-level knowledge of the local industry, Mackey was happy to share his picks for the best of Vancouver’s craft beer scene.
Best brewery for beer selection
Brassneck Brewery
2148 Main Street
“This is a tough question, as there are so many great breweries to choose from. It’s hard to beat Brassneck for the quality and ever-changing beer selection. I always look forward to the understated Mr. Personality Amber Ale when it’s released and usually pick up a growler fill of the always available Passive Aggressive Dry Hopped Pale Ale. They nail it every time.”
Bar with the best selection of beer on tap
The Alibi Room
157 Alexander Street
The Storm Crow Alehouse
1619 West Broadway
“I’m a big believer in drinking locally, so I look for somewhere that focuses primarily on beers from Vancouver and B.C. For that reason, I love the Alibi Room, because of the selection and rare local releases—and with the option of ordering beer flights, you can try many at once. I also really enjoy the new Storm Crow Alehouse on Broadway. They have a solid local selection and I feel right at home with the sci-fi/nerd bar theme they’ve created.”
Best beer-related event in the city
“I’ve missed it two years in a row, but I really want to check out Farmhouse Fest at UBC. A few friends have said it’s the most unique festival of the year, as it focuses on some of my favourite styles, like wild ales and sour beers. Other than that, the main festival for Vancouver Craft Beer Week in June is super fun, and the PNE is perfect for a festival: lots of shade and places to hang.”
Best out-of-the-box beer released by a local brewery
“That would have to be Glacial Mammoth Extinction by James Walton at Storm Brewing—$1,000 a bottle, 25 percent ABV, and adorned with a 35,000-year-old piece of mammoth tusk—say what?!”
Best easy-drinking beer from a local brewery
“Some of my go-to beers this summer were the Guardian White IPA from Strange Fellows and the La Maison Wild Saison from Four Winds.”
Best liquor store
Legacy Liquor Store
1633 Manitoba Street
Brewery Creek Cold Beer & Wine Store
3045 Main Street
“I love the great selection for craft beer at Legacy Liquor and Brewery Creek.”
Best park to illegally enjoy a beer in
“Your sippy-cup game has to be strong, but I love a beer at Kits beach on a warm, sunny evening.”
Best tasting room for feel/decor
Strange Fellows Brewing Company
1345 Clark Drive
Strathcona Beer Company
895 East Hastings Street
Faculty Brewing Co.
1830 Ontario Street
“Really, any tasting room designed by the folks at Simcic & Uhrich Architects. They’ve done the tasting rooms for Brassneck, Strange Fellows, Strathcona, Faculty, and more.”
Best thing you’ve heard someone say after a couple too many pints
“ ‘Are you running another tour after this? Because if so, let’s do it again!’ I may have heard that a few times over the years.”
Best patio for crushing a pint
Tap & Barrel
1 Athletes Way
Darby’s Public House
2001 Macdonald Street
“Tap & Barrel in Olympic Village has a killer patio and a great view of the water. I also like Darby’s in Kits for the beer list, and because it’s stumbling distance from the beach, which makes for a great day.”
Best bottled beer in the city
“I tip my hat to the team at Strathcona for making craft beer available in 40-ounce bottles; they even serve them in a paper bag!”
Best thing to do in the city after a couple of beers
“Find another tasting room and drink another couple of beers.”
Best growler design
“I’m probably biased, but the folks at Sigil and Growler made a custom “Dude Abides” growler for our Big Lebowski Bowling Tour this year, and it was a hit!”
Your Guide to the Best BC Craft Beer Festivals and Events
/in Brewery ToursThe craft beer revolution is in full swing in BC and no matter where you travel to in our beautiful province, new BC breweries are popping up to serve craft beer to thirsty locals. In fact, BC is expected to see over 120 craft breweries by the end of 2016, now that’s a lot of options for beer lovers! Even better, the amount of craft breweries opening in small towns across BC is quickly increasing and serving previously “dry” markets. With this growth also comes more BC craft beer events and festivals.
So what does all this mean if you love traveling across BC and love drinking local craft beer? It means that there is also an abundance of ways to celebrate including attending BC craft beer events and festivals. From Vancouver to Victoria, Prince George to Whistler and even the Okanagan, why not plan a craft beer vacation around some of the province’s top craft beer festivals?
So where are these events held? Check out our list below of some of the top BC craft beer events and festivals, and the great thing is there’s so many more out there than what we’ve got listed here. So check back often because we’ll be expanding this list as more pop up!
Great Canadian Beer Festival
When: September 2017
Where: Victoria
Website: Great Canadian Beer Festival
If you live in Canada and love craft beer, attending the Great Canadian Beer Festival is non-negotiable – book your ferry ride to Victoria NOW! Canada’s longest running beer festival and founded in 1993, this outdoor event is so much fun to attend with over 80 breweries in attendance.
Vancouver Craft Beer Week
When: June 2017
Where: Vancouver
Website: Vancouver Craft Beer Week
If Victoria started the craft beer revolution, the torch has certainly been passed to Vancouver. Vancouver Craft Beer Week is one of BC’s biggest craft beer festivals where events are held over an entire week with the premier event being held at the PNE. A must attend for BC beer lovers.
Victoria Craft Beer Week
Where: Victoria
Website: Victoria Beer Week
Celebrate BC craft beer in the city where it all started, Victoria, BC. At Victoria Beer Week, this nine day festival sees lots of beer related events including tastings, educational events and more.
Whister Village Beer Festival
When: September 2017
Where: Whistler
Website: Whistler Village Beer Festival
Held in the beautiful and picturesque mountains of Whistler, the Whistler Village Beer festival is now in its 5th year and gets bigger each year. This 5 day event focuses on events, cask nights, parties and of course the main tasting event.
BC Beer Awards
When: October 2017
Where: Vancouver
Website: BC Beer Awards
Each year, certified beer judges gather to judge the best of the best of BC craft beers most of which you’ll get to sample at this hugely popular event. A unique one day event with over 65 breweries in attendance, this tasting event sells out fast each year.
Hopscotch Festival
Where and When: Vancouver in November 2017 and Kelowna in September 2017
Website: Hopscotch Festival
Celebrate the best of both worlds! Hopscotch Festival is held in Vancouver and Kelowna and brings Whiskey and beer lovers together in one must attend event.
Farmhouse Festival
When: June 2017
Where: Vancouver
Website: Farmhouse Festival
Perhaps the most unique BC craft beer festival, Farmhouse Festival focuses on unique beer styles like wild and sour ales, farmhouse and Saisons. Held in the scenic grounds of the UBC farm, you need to check out this BC craft beer festival as it sells out fast each year.
When: October 2017
Where: Vancouver
Website: Beerlesque
Beer and Burlesque? If you answered hell yes then you need to check out this event. From craft beer tastings to unique performances, all proceeds go to charity programs.
BC Hop Fest – Fresh Beer Celebration
When: October 2017
Where: Abbotsford
Website: BC Hop Fest – Fresh Beer Celebration
If fresh hop beers are your thing, then this is one festival you will want to check out. Held in Abbottsford, the event focuses on the recent fresh hop harvest in BC and all the beers that pay homage to the style.
Fresh to Death – Victoria’s Harvest Celebration of Fresh Hop Beer
When: October 2017
Where: Victoria
Website: Fresh to Death – Victoria’s Harvest Celebration of Fresh Hop Beer
Fresh hop beers are an annual treat for hop heads, and thanks to the good folks at Fresh to Death, Victoria has a unique event to help beer lovers celebrate the hop harvest.
Okanagan Fest of Ale
When: April 2017
Where: Penticton
Website: Okanagan Fest of Ale
This 2 day event is one of the largest and longest running BC craft beer festivals. From entertainment and food options and the opportunity to sample beer from over 50 breweries there’s something for everyone at this event.
Great Okanagan Beer Festival
When: May 2017
Where: Kelowna
Website: Great Okanagan Beer Festival
Celebrate BC craft beer on the shores of the Okanagan Lake in this annual 3 day beer festival. It offers beer lovers unique cask events, beer and brewing seminars and of course the main event which sees over 3,000 attendees.
And the Winners Are…
/1 Comment/in Brewery ToursWhat was your favourite beer of the year? Did it win any awards?
The following list can be found at the BC Beer Awards website at the BC Beer Awards Website
2016 BC Beer Awards Winners
Best in Show
Flagship IPA
Steamworks Brewing Company
This is the 3rd time Steamworks has won BIS and Brewer Julia Hanlon is the first female brewer to win!
Dan Small Homebrew Award
Sho Ogawa & Novia Chen (2nd year in a row!)
Richards Buell Sutton LLP – Rookie of the Year Award
Field House Brewing Co.
CBC People’s Choice Award
Pablo Esco Gnar IPA – Boombox Brewing Company in collaboration with Machine Ales
Timber Brewer’s Challenge
Old Money Mild – Brassneck Brewery
International Lager – 32 entries
1: 33 Acres of Darkness – 33 Acres Brewing Company
2: Vienna Lager – Moody Ales
3: Red Racer Pils – Central City Brewers + Distillers
German Pale Lager – 22 entries
1: Red Racer Old School Lager – Central City Brewers + Distillers
2: Keller Pilsner – Persephone Brewing Company
3: Steamworks Pilsner – Steamworks Brewing Company
Kolsch – 19 entries
1: Steamworks Kolsch – Steamworks Brewing Company
2: High Country Kolsch – Mt. Begbie Brewing Co.
3: Arctic Kolsch – Swan’s Brewery
German Amber Beer – 21 entries
1: Gladstone Altbier – Gladstone Brewing Co.
2: Vienna Lager – R&B Brewing Co.
3: Potts Pils – Moon Under Water
European Dark Beer – 15 entries
1: Dark Lager – Steel & Oak Brewing Co.
2: Baltic Porter – Cannery Brewing Company
3: Red Racer Dopplebock – Central City Brewers + Distillers
HM: Brewmaster’s Black Lager – Okanagan Spring Brewery
German Wheat Beer – 14 entries
1: Demimondaine Dunkelweizen – Barkerville Brewing Co.
2: THIS IS HEFEWEIZEN – Moon Under Water
3: Weizenbock – Steel & Oak Brewing Co.
British Bitter – 20 entries
1: English Bitter – Foamers’ Folly Brewing Co.
2: Red Devil Ale – R&B Brewing Co.
3: Beacon ESB – Lighthouse Brewing Company
British Pale Ale – 17 entries
1: Clover IPA – Big Ridge Brewing Co.
2: Paddywhack Organic IPA – Nelson Brewing Company
3: English IPA – Strathcona Beer Company
British Brown Ale – 30 entries
1: After Dark Ale – Nelson Brewing Company
2: Tall Timber Ale – Mt. Begbie Brewing Co.
3: Aethelred the Mild – Foamers’ Folly Brewing Co.
Scottish and Irish Ales – 12 entries
1: Classic Scotch – Steamworks Brewpub Gastown
2: Irish Stout – Raven’s Brewing Company
3: 1880 Export Stout – Moody Ales
British Stout – 10 entries
1: 52 Foot Stout – Barkerville Brewing Co.
2: Perfect Storm – Townsite Brewing Inc
3: 710 Oaked Stout – Faculty Brewing Co.
Strong Ale – 17 entries
1: Thor’s Hammer – Central City Brewers + Distillers
2: Wee Heavy – Persephone Brewing Company
3: Wobbly Bob – Red Collar Brewing Company
Fruit Beer – 50 entries
1: Pinot Noir Raspberry Blonde – Tin Whistle Brewing Company
2: Red Truck Raspberry Ale – Red Truck Beer Company
3: Tropic Vice – Dead Frog Brewery
Spiced Beer – 35 entries
1: Jackline Rhubarb Grissette – Lighthouse Brewing Company
2: Spruce Tree Ale – Tofino Brewing Company
3: Hibiscus Wit – Brassneck Brewery
Smoke and Wood Aged Beer – 22 entries
1: Entropy Series No. 1 – Dageraad Brewing
2: Inertia II – Brassneck Brewery
3: Thor’s Hammer Bourbon Barrel Aged – Central City Brewers + Distillers
Specialty Beer – 28 entries
1: Roggen Weizen – Steel & Oak Brewing Co.
2: Londen – Dageraad Brewing
3: Sour Wheat Gose – Field House Brewing Co.
North American Light Beer – 19 entries
1: Hooligan Organic Pilsner – Nelson Brewing Company
2: Jerkface 9000 – Parallel 49 Brewing Co.
3: Cypress Honey Lager – Granville Island Brewing
North American Blonde Ale – 17 entries
1: Organic Wild Honey Ale – Nelson Brewing Company
2: Postmark Blonde – Postmark Brewing
3: Dutch Pale Ale – Field House Brewing Co.
North American Pale Ale – 45 entries
1: Chase My Tail Pale Ale – Yellow Dog Brewing Co.
2: One Hop Mind – Callister Brewing Company
3: East Side Bitter – R&B Brewing Co.
North American Amber Ale – 23 entries
1: 33 Acres of Life – 33 Acres Brewing Company
2: Troller Bay Ale – Howe Sound Brewing
3: Thirsty Beaver Amber Ale – Tree Brewing Co.
North American Brown Ale – 13 entries
1: Bandit Brown – Foamers’ Folly Brewing Co.
2: Slipstream – Phillips Brewing & Malting Co.
3: Kim-Ach-Touch Ale – Tree Brewing Co.
North American Porter & Stout – 21 entries
1: Commander Imperial Stout – Dead Frog Brewery
2: Stag and Pheasant Imperial Stout – Main Street Brewing Company
3: Russian Imperial Stout – Moody Ales
North American IPA – 58 entries
1: Flagship IPA – Steamworks Brewing Company
2: Play Dead IPA – Yellow Dog Brewing Co.
3: The Ultra Deluxe – Boombox Brewing
Specialty IPA – 41 entries
1: Blonde IPA – Dageraad Brewing
2: White ISA – Red Truck Beer Company
3: YVR ISA – Steamworks Brewing Company
Imperial IPA – 10 entries
1: 187 On An Undercover Hop – Parallel 49 Brewing Co.
2: Cosmic Wave Double IPA – Tofino Brewing Company
3: Second Anniversary Double IPA – Main Street Brewing Company
Belgian Ale – 16 entries
1: Jongleur Wit – Strange Fellows Brewing Company
2: Bier de Garde – Old Abbey Ales
3: White Gold Witbier – Barkerville Brewing Co.
Belgian Strong Ale – 31 entries
1: Dageraad Blonde – Dageraad Brewing
2: Saison #7 – Main Street Brewing Company
3: Old Barn Saison – Fernie Brewing Company
Trappist Ale – 15 entries
1: 33 Acres of Euphoria – 33 Acres Brewing Company
2: Central City Belgian Strong – Central City Brewers + Distillers
3: 10 Degrees – Dageraad Brewing
HM: 8 Degrees – Dageraad Brewing
European Sour Ale – 16 entries
1: Raynard – Strange Fellows Brewing Company
2: Cantus Fermus – Main Street Brewing Company
3: Bizarro – Phillips Brewing & Malting Co.
North American Wild Ale – 60 entries
1: Bodhisattva – Parallel 49 Brewing Co.
2: Sour Raspberry – Old Abbey Ales
3: Little Red One – Strange Fellows Brewing Company
November is HOTEL FAM Month
/in Brewery ToursDear Friends,
Vancouver Brewery Tours would like to invite you and one of your team members to be guests on one of our fun and informative brewery tours.
During the month of November, we will be hosting a series of weekly Private FAM Brewery Tours just for our friends in the hotel industry so you can get to know our company and products better. Each tour will last approximately 3.5 hours and include transportation to 3 breweries, behind the scenes brewery tours at each, three flights of local craft beer, fun times with friends new and old, and much more.
Tours are offered at the following times:
Please RSVP at your earliest convenience by replying back to our Tour Manager Jeremie Metcalfe at or call 604-318-2280. Due to the high level of interest, seats are offered on a first come first serve basis and are limited to two guests per hotel please – although a waitlist will be established if more than two from your hotel would like to join. A confirmation email with details about your brewery tour will be sent out once attendance is confirmed.
As always, thank you so much for your support and we look forward to seeing you and hosting you on tour in November.
Ryan Mackey
Owner | Vancouver Brewery Tours
VBT Road Trip to Brewer’s Row in Port Moody
/1 Comment/in Brewery ToursVBT Goes on a Road Trip to Brewer’s Row in Port Moody!
In celebration of BC Craft Beer Month we’ll be heading out to visit Brewer’s Row in Port Moody.
Looking to hop on a tour where you’ll meet new people, share a new experience while drinking fantastic craft beer AND go beyond the boundaries of Vancouver? Leave the driving to us and hop on as we head out to Port Moody for the day!
When: Sunday October 23rd from 11am to 5pm. Seats are $80pp plus tax.
A great option for locals, visitors to Vancouver, couples, friends or just thirsty you! Open to the public, this tour will fill up on a first come first serve basis, and it will fill up fast!
Which breweries will you be visiting? Today we’ll be visiting Moody Ales, Twin Sails Brewing, Yellow Dog Brewing and The Parkside Brewery.
What’s all included in your tour
Brewers Row breweries are all located within walking distance of each other so we’ll be parking our van and heading out on foot (walking distance is 1km total for the tour). While on the road, our guide who will share fun facts about craft beer, the Port Moody beer scene, and also about the iconic neighbourhood you’ll be visiting.
Meet up and drop off for this tour is conveniently located in East Van, just 200 meters from the Commercial/Broadway Skytrain Station, out front of St Augustine’s (2360 Commercial Drive) which is also a great spot to grab a bite and beers post tour!
VBT Owner Ryan Featured in the Georgia Straight
/1 Comment/in Brewery ToursIndustry expert: Brewery tour master Ryan Mackey picks his favourite beer-related haunts in Vancouver
by Amanda Siebert
The following interview was featured in the Georgia Straight’s Best of Vancouver 2016 edition on September 22nd, 2016. To read the entire article, check out the Georgia Straight article here:
Opening Vancouver Brewery Tours in June 2013, his venture into the world of craft beer began out of admiration for local breweries and the people who work in them. Organizing three-hour tours of some of the city’s most brewery-dense neighbourhoods, Mackey has led locals and out-of-towners alike through tasting adventures, introducing them to styles and brews that are inherently West Coast.
With a fleet of three vans and a staff of seven guides, his company offers multi-brewery visits seven days of the week and often hosts special events that are specific to styles, for those who might want to delve deeper into sours or IPAs. (This year, the company even hosted a Big Lebowski–themed bowling tour. There were no White Russians, but we’re sure the Dude would have approved.)
With his next-level knowledge of the local industry, Mackey was happy to share his picks for the best of Vancouver’s craft beer scene.
Best brewery for beer selection
Brassneck Brewery
2148 Main Street
“This is a tough question, as there are so many great breweries to choose from. It’s hard to beat Brassneck for the quality and ever-changing beer selection. I always look forward to the understated Mr. Personality Amber Ale when it’s released and usually pick up a growler fill of the always available Passive Aggressive Dry Hopped Pale Ale. They nail it every time.”
Bar with the best selection of beer on tap
The Alibi Room
157 Alexander Street
The Storm Crow Alehouse
1619 West Broadway
“I’m a big believer in drinking locally, so I look for somewhere that focuses primarily on beers from Vancouver and B.C. For that reason, I love the Alibi Room, because of the selection and rare local releases—and with the option of ordering beer flights, you can try many at once. I also really enjoy the new Storm Crow Alehouse on Broadway. They have a solid local selection and I feel right at home with the sci-fi/nerd bar theme they’ve created.”
Best beer-related event in the city
“I’ve missed it two years in a row, but I really want to check out Farmhouse Fest at UBC. A few friends have said it’s the most unique festival of the year, as it focuses on some of my favourite styles, like wild ales and sour beers. Other than that, the main festival for Vancouver Craft Beer Week in June is super fun, and the PNE is perfect for a festival: lots of shade and places to hang.”
Best out-of-the-box beer released by a local brewery
“That would have to be Glacial Mammoth Extinction by James Walton at Storm Brewing—$1,000 a bottle, 25 percent ABV, and adorned with a 35,000-year-old piece of mammoth tusk—say what?!”
Best easy-drinking beer from a local brewery
“Some of my go-to beers this summer were the Guardian White IPA from Strange Fellows and the La Maison Wild Saison from Four Winds.”
Best liquor store
Legacy Liquor Store
1633 Manitoba Street
Brewery Creek Cold Beer & Wine Store
3045 Main Street
“I love the great selection for craft beer at Legacy Liquor and Brewery Creek.”
Best park to illegally enjoy a beer in
“Your sippy-cup game has to be strong, but I love a beer at Kits beach on a warm, sunny evening.”
Best tasting room for feel/decor
Strange Fellows Brewing Company
1345 Clark Drive
Strathcona Beer Company
895 East Hastings Street
Faculty Brewing Co.
1830 Ontario Street
“Really, any tasting room designed by the folks at Simcic & Uhrich Architects. They’ve done the tasting rooms for Brassneck, Strange Fellows, Strathcona, Faculty, and more.”
Best thing you’ve heard someone say after a couple too many pints
“ ‘Are you running another tour after this? Because if so, let’s do it again!’ I may have heard that a few times over the years.”
Best patio for crushing a pint
Tap & Barrel
1 Athletes Way
Darby’s Public House
2001 Macdonald Street
“Tap & Barrel in Olympic Village has a killer patio and a great view of the water. I also like Darby’s in Kits for the beer list, and because it’s stumbling distance from the beach, which makes for a great day.”
Best bottled beer in the city
“I tip my hat to the team at Strathcona for making craft beer available in 40-ounce bottles; they even serve them in a paper bag!”
Best thing to do in the city after a couple of beers
“Find another tasting room and drink another couple of beers.”
Best growler design
“I’m probably biased, but the folks at Sigil and Growler made a custom “Dude Abides” growler for our Big Lebowski Bowling Tour this year, and it was a hit!”
Our Newest Partner – Faculty Brewing!
/in Brewery ToursThe name Faculty comes from Mauricio’s experience as a professor, and his desire to create a space for education and collaboration with the beer community. Mauricio is also their head brewer, and has numbered all beers like university courses with the lower numbers being the most easy drinking beers and higher number representing more complex and flavourful beers.
Faculty Brewing is also Vancouver’s first open source brewery meaning they make their recipes available to the public for input by the brewing community in Vancouver. Have a suggestion about one of their beers? Send them a note!
We’re looking forward to introducing our guests to Faculty and think you’re going to love their beers, and the super friendly and welcoming environment they’re created. Faculty is available by request for private brewery tours at this time.
The Vancouver Brewery Tours team
New Restaurant Partner – Darby’s Gastown
/in Brewery ToursWe are excited to share that we are now partnering with Darby’s Gastown. Darby’s is known for it’s Kitsilano location as being one of the top craft beer destinations in Vancouver. Looking for a great spot to finish off your tour with some great bites and craft beer?
Our guests enjoy a 10% discount on food post tour. Let us know when you’re setting up your Private Tour that you’d like to make a reservation and we’ll set you up.
Check out this article that Operations Coordinator wrote about Darby’s Gastown a few month months back for What’s Brewing BC. Our team also enjoyed a night out there recently and the tap list was fantastic!
The BC Ale Trail
/1 Comment/in Brewery ToursThe BC Ale Trail is the definitive guide to British Columbia’s diverse and dynamic craft beer community. Follow curated Ale Trails to explore breweries and local attractions, enjoying BC’s super, natural wilderness, activities and urban experiences.
Launching in October, the BC Ale Trail will showcase the Sunshine Coast, Victoria, Whistler, Nanaimo, Comox Valley, Port Moody and the entire Kootenay Rockies region, offering craft beer lovers a detailed guide to BC’s bounty of world-class ale.
Watch their launch video.
Visit to sign up for updates and contests.
Questions? Contact For media enquiries about BC Ale Trail, please email
Brewery Creek Walking Tours are returning for Spring and Summer!
/in Brewery ToursOn your Brewery Creek Walking Tour, you’ll visit 3 craft breweries in just over 3 hours, each located in the historic Brewery Creek neighbourhood of Vancouver. The meet up location will be the 1st brewery on tour. At each brewery we’ll take you through the “Staff Only” doors for behind the scenes tours where our knowledgeable guides take you through the brewing process from grain to glass and introduce you to story of each brewery. Questions are welcome! From there you’ll be treated to VIP seating and enjoy plenty of craft beer samples and laughs with new friends and old.
Our brewery tour guides are all passionate members of the craft beer community and take great pride in connecting you to our local craft beer scene.
Your walk, from start to finish, will be approximately 1.5 kilometres (1 mile) with a moderate level of incline.
What’s included:
Duration: 3.25 hours
Meet Up Location: Your guide will meet you at the main entrance of your first brewery on tour.
Weekly Tour Times and Breweries Visited on our Walking Brewery Tour of Vancouver
More on these breweries here.
Price: $69.99 per person (+tax)
Visit our online booking calendar and book a Walking Brewery Tour of Vancouver now!
Yeast Van Sour Beer Tour Hop On and Pucker Up!
/in Brewery ToursOn tour we’ll be visiting Brassneck Brewery, Main Street Brewing, Strange Fellows Brewing and Storm Brewing. Each of these breweries are known for producing top notch sour beers.
So, are you looking to hop on a tour where you’ll meet new people and share a new experience while drinking fantastic (sour) craft beer? A great option for craft beer geeks, visitors to Vancouver, couples, friends or just thirsty you! Open to the public, this tour will fill up fast on a first come first serve basis.
What’s included:
Leave the keys at home and the driving to us! We’ll meet you at Waterfront Station, conveniently located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, where you’ll embark on a brewery tour journey you won’t forget that includes the following:
Note: brewery line-ups are subject to change without notice.
Tour Date: Saturday April 30th @ 1 – 4.30pm. Tickets are $79pp plus tax.
Get your tickets here.