We’re All in This (Bus) Together
We’ve missed you! After a few months of hibernation we’re getting ready and excited to welcome our guests back on our brewery tours. The world has changed since March 2020 and while you can expect the same level of value, fun, and professionalism from our team, there we ask that guests treat our venue partners the way you would want to be treated.
From bus to brewery and back again our commitment to you is that your wellness, and our own, is our top priority. We’ve implemented a thoughtful plan that incorporates best practices from BC’s Restart Plan, WorkSafeBC, our brewery partners and our own policies to ensure you leave our tours as healthy and safe as when you arrived.
Here is What We Are Doing
Tour Guides: We will only lead a tour when healthy enough to do so, and will be wearing masks while in our vans.
Guidelines Posted: Our health and safety plan will be posted in each van for your reference
Van Care and Cleaning: Our vans will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before, during and after each tour. Van windows will be opened to encourage airflow. Your tour guide will be wearing a mask while driving the van. We will encourage our guests to avoid contact with each other and reduce touching our vans whenever possible.
Hand Sanitizer: Will be available on tour and at each brewery.
Max Group Size and Van Seating Plan: Our max group size is 6 guests per van at this time, and the middle seat of each row will be left empty to provide spacing.
Following Brewery Partner Guidelines and Policies: We will keep up date with and adhere to each of our brewery partners specific guidelines on health and safety while we are guests in their business.
Behind the Scenes Tours and Brewery Visits: We will only conduct behind the scenes tours, and visit our brewery partners when they are available and when it is safe to do so. As a result, behind the scenes tours may not be available at every brewery.
Here is What We are Asking You
On the Bus
While in our vans, we all agree to:
Wear Masks On Public Tours: July 1st onwards we ask that guests wear masks in the bus on public tours.
Max Group Size: Pick a number after July 1st.
Use Hand Sanitizer: Will be available for use (also mandatory at each brewery)
Only Hug Your Friend Policy: We suggest you ask permission before making any hugs, it’s been a weird year.
Reduce Contact With the Van: Our guides will open doors so you don’t have to, try to avoid touching door handles, windows, etc)
Provide Personal Contact Information: All guests must sign a waiver and we have your group organizer on file
Be Patient With and Kind to Each Other.
At the Breweries
When entering each brewery, we all agree to:
Follow the Rules: Each brewery has their own health and wellness policies that our tour guides and guests must follow.
Use Hand Sanitizer and Wash Hands: Each guest must use hand sanitizer when entering each brewery (the practice is mandatory for many of our brewery partners) and it’s recommended to wash hands or use sanitizer when leaving the brewery.
Brewery Tour Boundaries: When behind the scenes tours are available, each guest must stay within acceptable tour areas and refrain from touching anything unless directed to do so.
Do you still offer private tours?
Yes. Our buses are 12, 14, 20, 24, and 36 seats.
Are you offering your weekly Public Tours?
Yes. We are currently offering Public Tours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday each week. Public tours have a minimum of 4 guests to run.
What is your max group size?
In accordance with WorkSafeBC guidelines, a maximum of 50 guests until October 1st.
Do I have to wear a mask on tour?
Masks are required when travelling in our vans and are not required when drinking beer at the breweries. Masks may be required when touring behind the scenes of each brewery.
Is it safe in your vans?
Yes. Our health and safety plan will be posted in each van for your reference. Our vans are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before, during and after each tour. Windows will be opened to encourage airflow. Your tour guide will be wearing a mask. Guests are being asked to avoid touching the van when possible.
Is your tour guide safe?
Yes. Each tour guide has full training and instruction on leading a safe tour during our current situation and will be wearing a mask and potentially gloves in the van. Our guide team has all had Covid vaccines.
Do your guides accept cash tips?
Yes. We can also accept credit card tips via square.
It’s the day of a tour and I don’t feel well, what is your cancellation policy?
We are encouraging guests who do not feel well to avoid coming on tour. We will provide the opportunity to reschedule your tour in the event you must cancel due to illness.
Are all the breweries open?
No. While most of our brewery partners are open, some remain closed. We will only visit breweries that have agreed to accept our tour groups.
What breweries will I be visiting on my public tour?
While we have a set line up for our weekly Public Tours, the line ups may be adjusted without notice due to our current situation.
What are the breweries doing to ensure my health and wellness?
Each brewery has their own health and wellness policies and while they may differ slightly, each has been designed to ensure your health and safety.
Are you offering behind the scenes tours at each brewery?
Some of our brewery partners have requested we do not conduct behind the scenes tours at this time to ensure the health and safety of the brew team. All efforts will be made to include breweries on tour that permit behind the scenes tours.
Does the beer still taste good at the brewery?
Better than ever my friends.
The Rise Of Canned Beer | Rise and Fall of the Growler
/in Brewery ToursThe Rise Of Canned Beer
My favourite part of the craft beer industry is seeing the evolution of the industry and all the new businesses that it creates in my home town. As much as I love craft beer, I have an interest in seeing businesses flourish and in that, the how and the why.
As craft breweries started to pop up across Canada we started to see these things called “Growlers” that all the breweries sold and we could take fresh beer home in. What people didn’t really see behind this fad was why it was actually happening. Let me tell you a story…
The Rise and Fall of the Growler
Once upon a time in Canada, around the beginning of the 1900’s, there was a guy named Jim. Jim would go to his local tavern and after a night of only a few Jim would use an old paint pail to bring beer back home with him to drink that night and maybe even tomorrow before dinner. On the way back the pail would smash against his horse and as the carbonation builds up the pail would GROWL like dog. This is how we got the name growler.
When craft breweries started to pop up across the world it wasn’t feasible for them to spend $50,000-$500,000 on a canning unit so they had the idea of bringing back the growler. This glass could be sold for more than they bought it for and also help them sell “To go” products.
Flash forward 10 more years and as coke and Pepsi spend hundreds of millions of dollars in R&D to stop the “beverages” from oxidizing in the can and changing flavor they finally had it. They developed a vegetable film, that is on the inside of the can that stops the beer from touching the medal. Now we could put beer in cans and it would stay fresh for (Upto) months. There was only one problem. Every Dad told their son, and Mom told their Daughter that bottles and draft were better and cans were not as good.
When breweries tried introducing the can back in 2005 and again through 2010 the public just wasn’t going to accept it until something odd happened. What if we tried a larger can? What if we told people cans were actually better? Crazy thinking eh, but it worked. Classic “Wag the dog”, look over here, it’s not a can it’s a “Tall can”, totally different technology.
Now the public would finally accept cans and breweries could sell their beer to go. But how do we come up with $125,000 for a canning unit? Enter mobile canning.
Now we cans we can change the label and design unlike the growler. We can sent it further too. Our eye is always drawn to the most unique, artistic and fun things that we see, and the
labels the breweries across Canada have begun to produce are some of the best we’ve
ever seen. Who doesn’t gravitate towards the can with the swirling blue and pink lines
with bright yellow letters or a crazy-looking graffiti design? We all do, even if it’s at least
only to look at it.
Tall cans instead of Growlers
Now my friends, we have mobile canning like Mile37 that will pull up to your brewery and package your beers for around $0.25 each making it so breweries can now sell beer that stays fresher for longer. The economics even work better when there are only 4 tall cans in a pack instead of 6. Now lets all go to the breweries and buy a couple of canned
Canning Beer at a Local Brewery
Brewery Tours Are Back
/in Brewery ToursWe’re All in This (Bus) Together
We’ve missed you! After a few months of hibernation we’re getting ready and excited to welcome our guests back on our brewery tours. The world has changed since March 2020 and while you can expect the same level of value, fun, and professionalism from our team, there we ask that guests treat our venue partners the way you would want to be treated.
From bus to brewery and back again our commitment to you is that your wellness, and our own, is our top priority. We’ve implemented a thoughtful plan that incorporates best practices from BC’s Restart Plan, WorkSafeBC, our brewery partners and our own policies to ensure you leave our tours as healthy and safe as when you arrived.
Here is What We Are Doing
Tour Guides: We will only lead a tour when healthy enough to do so, and will be wearing masks while in our vans.
Guidelines Posted: Our health and safety plan will be posted in each van for your reference
Van Care and Cleaning: Our vans will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before, during and after each tour. Van windows will be opened to encourage airflow. Your tour guide will be wearing a mask while driving the van. We will encourage our guests to avoid contact with each other and reduce touching our vans whenever possible.
Hand Sanitizer: Will be available on tour and at each brewery.
Max Group Size and Van Seating Plan: Our max group size is 6 guests per van at this time, and the middle seat of each row will be left empty to provide spacing.
Following Brewery Partner Guidelines and Policies: We will keep up date with and adhere to each of our brewery partners specific guidelines on health and safety while we are guests in their business.
Behind the Scenes Tours and Brewery Visits: We will only conduct behind the scenes tours, and visit our brewery partners when they are available and when it is safe to do so. As a result, behind the scenes tours may not be available at every brewery.
Here is What We are Asking You
On the Bus
While in our vans, we all agree to:
Wear Masks On Public Tours: July 1st onwards we ask that guests wear masks in the bus on public tours.
Max Group Size: Pick a number after July 1st.
Use Hand Sanitizer: Will be available for use (also mandatory at each brewery)
Only Hug Your Friend Policy: We suggest you ask permission before making any hugs, it’s been a weird year.
Reduce Contact With the Van: Our guides will open doors so you don’t have to, try to avoid touching door handles, windows, etc)
Provide Personal Contact Information: All guests must sign a waiver and we have your group organizer on file
Be Patient With and Kind to Each Other.
At the Breweries
When entering each brewery, we all agree to:
Follow the Rules: Each brewery has their own health and wellness policies that our tour guides and guests must follow.
Use Hand Sanitizer and Wash Hands: Each guest must use hand sanitizer when entering each brewery (the practice is mandatory for many of our brewery partners) and it’s recommended to wash hands or use sanitizer when leaving the brewery.
Brewery Tour Boundaries: When behind the scenes tours are available, each guest must stay within acceptable tour areas and refrain from touching anything unless directed to do so.
Do you still offer private tours?
Yes. Our buses are 12, 14, 20, 24, and 36 seats.
Are you offering your weekly Public Tours?
Yes. We are currently offering Public Tours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday each week. Public tours have a minimum of 4 guests to run.
What is your max group size?
In accordance with WorkSafeBC guidelines, a maximum of 50 guests until October 1st.
Do I have to wear a mask on tour?
Masks are required when travelling in our vans and are not required when drinking beer at the breweries. Masks may be required when touring behind the scenes of each brewery.
Is it safe in your vans?
Yes. Our health and safety plan will be posted in each van for your reference. Our vans are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before, during and after each tour. Windows will be opened to encourage airflow. Your tour guide will be wearing a mask. Guests are being asked to avoid touching the van when possible.
Is your tour guide safe?
Yes. Each tour guide has full training and instruction on leading a safe tour during our current situation and will be wearing a mask and potentially gloves in the van. Our guide team has all had Covid vaccines.
Do your guides accept cash tips?
Yes. We can also accept credit card tips via square.
It’s the day of a tour and I don’t feel well, what is your cancellation policy?
We are encouraging guests who do not feel well to avoid coming on tour. We will provide the opportunity to reschedule your tour in the event you must cancel due to illness.
Are all the breweries open?
No. While most of our brewery partners are open, some remain closed. We will only visit breweries that have agreed to accept our tour groups.
What breweries will I be visiting on my public tour?
While we have a set line up for our weekly Public Tours, the line ups may be adjusted without notice due to our current situation.
What are the breweries doing to ensure my health and wellness?
Each brewery has their own health and wellness policies and while they may differ slightly, each has been designed to ensure your health and safety.
Are you offering behind the scenes tours at each brewery?
Some of our brewery partners have requested we do not conduct behind the scenes tours at this time to ensure the health and safety of the brew team. All efforts will be made to include breweries on tour that permit behind the scenes tours.
Does the beer still taste good at the brewery?
Better than ever my friends.
Are the Breweries Open Yet?
/in Brewery ToursYes! Many of our brewery partners are open for business and some remain closed for now. Until we resume our regular brewery tours, we’ve put together a handy list of the current status of all our brewery and distillery partners. Drop by and have a pint and support your local breweries!
OPEN – tasting room is open
Take Out – tasting room closed but brewery open to purchase beer for take out
Delivery – tasting room is closed but order beer online or by phone for home delivery
Andina – OPEN
Bomber – OPEN
Big Rock Vancouver – Take Out and Delivery Only
Brassneck – Take Out Only
Bridge Brewing – OPEN
Callister – OPEN
Container – OPEN
Deep Cove – OPEN
East Van Brewing – OPEN
Electric Bicycle – OPEN
Faculty – OPEN
Luppolo – OPEN
Main Street Brewing – OPEN
Odd Society – OPEN
Off The Rail – OPEN
Parallel 49 – OPEN
Postmark – Closed
Powell –Take Out and Delivery Only
Red Truck – Tasting Room will open Friday June 26th
Slow Hand – Order online through BEERVan
Steamworks Burnaby – Take Out and Delivery Only
Storm Brewing – Take Out Only, Patio Coming SOON!
Strange Fellows – OPEN
Strathcona – OPEN
Wildeye – OPEN
Father’s Day Brewery Tour in a Box
/in Brewery ToursThis Father’s Day, we’re delivering the brewery tour experience directly to Dad with our limited edition Brewery Tour in a Box.
Choose from 3 different options:
Brewery Tour in a Box – $40.00+tax
Brewery Tour in a Box With 1 Gift Certificate – $115+tax
Brewery Tour in a Box With 2 Gift Certificates – $190+tax
Each Brewery Tour in a Box includes
Order now for FREE delivery in Vancouver, with delivery options for most of the lower mainland. Deliveries to be made on Friday June 19th or Saturday June 20th with order cutoff by 1pm the previous day.
Check out our website for more details and to get yours today: www.vancouverbrewerytours.square.site
COVID 19 Update
/in Brewery ToursEffective March 17th , we have made the difficult and necessary decision to halt all brewery tours effective immediately.
While we are confident in the measures that both our company and brewery partners were taking to address this issue, the fact is that our business model promotes unnecessary risk to our staff, guests and brewery partners, and the public’s health and safety must come before the financial interests of our company.
All guests that have tours booked until mid May have been contacted and refunds issued. We will be in communication with guests outside of this time frame in the coming weeks as the situation develops.
As a small company, this situation represents a significant challenge to our business. Thank you for all your support, well wishes and more, and we look forward to resuming operations and supporting our craft beer community when it is recommended and safe to do so.
Bachelor and Bachelorette Party Ideas: Why Choose a Vancouver Brewery Tour?
/in Brewery ToursTop 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Vancouver Brewery Tour for Your Bachelor or Bachelorette Party
The big day is coming up fast, but before it does it’s time for one last celebration! If you’re looking for a bachelor party idea that the bride or groom will really enjoy, choose a Vancouver Brewery Tour. Best part? We do all the planning so you can focus on having fun and enjoying beers with your crew. So if you’re still trying to decide, here are our top ten reasons why a Vancouver Brewery Tour is the way to go:
Designated Driver
We drive, you imbibe. We take of all the driving including a custom pick up and drop off, ensuring everyone stays safe and in good shape for the rest of the night!
Lots of Beer
That’s why you’re here right? You’ll enjoy a flight of beer at each brewery and we’ll make sure you get some of your favourites to go along with some of our must have beers at each brewery.
Food Options
Want a meal included in your tour? Maybe you’d prefer to purchase your own snacks at the breweries or even be dropped off at your favourite restaurant after the tour? Whatever your craving is we’ll take care of it.
Behind the Scenes Tours
We take you behind the scenes of EVERY brewery for some brewing 101 and other cool facts about each brewery. Maybe you want to geek out with our guides and ask tonnes of beer questions, or maybe you’d rather skip the tour and head straight to the beers. This is YOUR tour so you choose!
Quality Time with Friends
Hey, life gets busy and maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve seen your friends. With multiple venue changes, rotating seats on the bus and VIP spaces to drink, we ensure you’ve got lots of time to catch up, have fun and share some laughs together.
Rad Tour Guides
Seriously, our guides are the best. We have the most highly trained, passionate, fun and dialed in brewery tour guides in the industry and we know how to put on a good show for your crew.
Impeccable Planning
From our very first email to you, to the end of tour drop off, we commit to exceeding your expectations and delivering a truly outstanding tour. Let us take care of all the so you don’t have to.
Enough Already I’m In!
Did we already have you at lots of beer? Simply click the button below to request a custom quote with pricing, availability and more. Still have questions, we love to talk on the phone so call, or email, anytime.
Request a Private Group Tour Quote Here
New Tours for Dine Out 2020!
/in Brewery ToursNow in our 7th year with Dine Out Vancouver, we’ve handpicked four of our favourite locally owned businesses for two special tours this year!
Coffee, Brunch, Donuts and Beer Tour
Now that you’re awake, it’s time for the main course – we’ll travel to the Red Truck Diner for a tasty brunch. Next up, we get the party going with a tour and a flight of beer at Brassneck Brewery. To end the tour on a sweet note, you’ll enjoy a yummy donut from Cartems Donuts.
What’s included? Each tour includes coffee at Agro, full brunch (including vegetarian option) at the Red Truck Diner, beer flight at Brassneck and a donut at Cartems. Additional beverages can be purchased at each stop. Full transportation is also included with the Vancouver Brewery Tours bus including pick up and drop off, and our knowledgeable and fun beer guides will lead the brewery tour at Brassneck Brewing.
January 18,19,25,26
February 1,2
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
BBQ, Fried Chicken and Brewery Tour
And finally, we visit Vancouver’s newest craft brewery Container Brewing to wash down all those tasty meats with a flight of beer and a behind the scenes tour that includes some brewing 101 and more. Yum and done!
What’s included? Lots of meat! Each tour includes a meal and beer at Juke Fried Chicken, meal at Memphis Blues, along with a flight of beer at Container Brewing. Optional drinks can be purchased at each restaurant. Full transportation is also included with the Vancouver Brewery Tours bus including pick up and drop off, and our knowledgeable and fun beer guides will lead the brewery tour at Container Brewing.
January 17,18,24, 25, 31
February 1
4:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Beer Lovers Holiday Gift Packs
/in Brewery ToursThey’re back! Our festive Beer Lovers Holiday Gift Packs are only available each December and make for a perfect holiday gift idea. Each pack includes a gift certificate for our popular Vancouver Brewery Tour AND a Vancouver Brewery Tours 1 litre growler of beer and beer glass!
Our Beer Lovers Holiday Gift Packs have been featured on Global TV, Miss604, the Westender and much more!
To learn more and buy yours today, visit our shop page here: www.vancouverbrewerytours.com/shop/
1 Seat – Beer Lovers Holiday Gift Pack – $99.99+tax
1 – Gift Certificate for a Vancouver Brewery Tour ($89 value)
1 – One litre Vancouver Brewery Tours growler and a beer fill of your choice (received on tour)
1 – Vancouver Brewery Tours 16oz beer glass (received on tour)
Buy Now
2 Seats – Beer Lovers Holiday Gift Pack – $189.99+tax
2 – Gift Certificate2 for a Vancouver Brewery Tour ($178 value)
2 – One litre Vancouver Brewery Tours growlers and beer fills for each (received on tour)
2 – Vancouver Brewery Tours 16oz beer glasses (received on tour)
Buy Now
BC Beer Wins Big at the 2019 BC Beer Awards
/in Brewery ToursPhoto Credit of CBC
2019 BC Beer Awards Winners
This past Saturday October 19th was a big night for BC beer as the 10th annual BC Beer Awards returned to the Croation Cultural Centre in East Vancouver. This popular event not only crowns some of the best brews in BC, but also doubles as a beer festival giving beer lovers the opportunity to taste many of the top beers in the province.
This year over 100+ breweries submitted over 1000 beer entries for a chance to win from 36 different categories.
So who won? Thanks to the Growler we have a full list of all the winners across all categories, enjoy!
Brewery of the Year
Kwantlen Polytechnic University Brewer Diploma Program
Best in Show
Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks – Pixel Pils
Rookie of the Year
Île Sauvage Brewing Company
People’s Choice
Azedo Tropical Fruit Sour, Brewhall Beer Co.
Brewers Challenge
Cherry Operis, Four Winds Brewing Co.
International Lager
Pale German Beer
German Pils
Amber European Beer
Dark & Strong European Beer
German Wheat Beer
UK Pale Ale
UK Brown Ale
UK Stout
Strong Ale
Fruit Beer
Specialty Fruit Beer
Spice Beer
Smoke- & Wood-Aged Beer
Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
European Sour
Specialty Beer
North American Light Beer
North American Blonde Ale
North American Pale Ale
North American Amber & Brown Ale
North American Porter & Stout
North American IPA
Specialty IPA
Hazy IPA
Imperial IPA
Belgian Ale
Honorable Mention: Jongleur Strange, Fellows Brewing
Strong Belgian Ale
Honorable Mention: 33 Acres of Euphoria, 33 Acres Brewing Co.
Wild Ale
Specialty Wild Ale
Dan Small Homebrew Award
Andrew Swanton, The Answers to Life The Universe and Everything Dark Mild
Best Flight Paddle
Andina Brewing
Best Growler Design
Andina Brewing
Best Merch/Apparel
Mount Arrowsmith Brewing Company
Great Canadian Beer Festival founders John Rowling and Gerry Hieter accept their Legend awards. Rob Mangelsdorf photo
Best Tasting Room Design
Electric Bicycle Brewing
Best Tap Handle Design
Boombox Brewing
Best Label Design – Can
Dageraad Brewing – Murder City
Best Label Design – Bottle
Dageraad Brewing – Antwerpen Tripel
Dageraad Brewing. Rob Mangelsdorf photo
Best Packaging Design
Vancouver Island Brewing – Pod Pack
Best Website Design
Brewhall Beer Co.
Best Social Media Presence
Backcountry Brewing
Innovator of the Year
Twin Sails Brewing
Legend Awards
And the Winner is..Top 10 Beer Experience in the World
/in Brewery ToursHow do these out of town guests find us? One way is through Trip Advisor. The websites features thousands of attractions from all over the world and receives millions of traveler reviews each year. After six years we’re also very lucky to have some pretty cool guest reviews about our tours, our tour guides and more.
So when Trip Advisor informed us we had just received a 2019 Travellers Choice Award for our flagship Vancouver Brewery Tour as one of the Top 10 Beer Experiences in The World – we were pretty shocked and excited!
The award is Trip Advisor’s top honour and is given out to the top 1% of all companies listed on Trip Advisor and is selected based on traveller reviews. To learn more and see the whole list of Trip Advisor’s Top 10 Beer Experiences, click here.